Sunday, April 21, 2019

What Easter Means To Me

Its ok if you don't "go to" church. Its ok if you don't believe exactly like I do. Its ok if you have questions and things don't seem to line up. 
God is our creator and cares for us in his own way, providing for each of us differently, but sufficiently. 
Jesus died because people felt uncomfortable with a man who proclaimed the truth of freedom, a man who stated that things needed to change, a man who firmly resisted the practices put in place by ignorant, sometimes self serving humans. Jesus came to life so that we would have the freedom to be who we are and help each other reach our full, God given, potentials. Jesus rose from the dead so that we would not have to be bound by rituals but could flourish with freedom and creativity. 
While Scripture has a history of being abused for self gain (and still is) it is difficult to discount the way, the truth and the life.(Keep in mind, this is not a ticket to freedom stating that we can do whatever we want, when we want, we still have parameters and guidelines to keep is safe and healthy) 
Some people flourish under ritualistic practices and other people feel closed in and restrained. Its all part of the beauty of creation. Get up, go out, and do what you do with excellence. #loveyourneighbor #sermonfromalumberviking #dontfeartruth

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