Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Happy New Year!

 Something feels different, and I have not been able to put my finger on it.  I have spent a lot of time over the past several months working through some things and I think I have finally come to peace with some demons.

A tough situation that could have been worse, I was able to deal with some issues and let them go.  I don't remember that happening before.  I'm pretty sure the situation was meant to stir up emotion and create conflict.  I'm tired of conflict, I'm all about resolving issues,  and I mean what I say.  As I started to get angry about the situation,  a calm came over me and I realized that I should let it go.  And I did.  It took mere seconds to work through rather than months or year that previous conflicts took.  That was cool! 
 More mental space means more energy and better time spent with the family.  We took off in hunt for Elk in Cataloochee.... and got skunked.  We'll be back.  
 And with the New Year, I'm once again trying to figure out my race/ride schedule.  So many option, so little cash flow.  I'm thinking this might be the year of some big solo rides.  The wife's schedule is so weird that it is difficult to plan father out than 6-8 weeks.  I have several friends who want to plan trips, but I frustratingly can't.  Hopefully something will work out. 

I missed riding consistently in 2016.  I'm determined to get out more this year, and attempt to be the year round rider I used to be.  I got pretty slack over the year, and while I spent a lot of time with the fam, I can't neglect myself and the challenges that are out there.  Riding a bike is a gift, a privilege, and I am determined to take advantage of it! 
Cheers to big rides in 2017!

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