Tuesday, March 16, 2010


4 days until spring is officially here.  Currently it is 40 degrees in Asheville and with a high of 52, I won't have to dress in full winter gear.  This time of year is tricky, because the morning commute can be 20 degrees colder than the evening commute.   I usually end up a little cold on the ride in, so I don't wind up overdressed on the ride home.

Above 40 I usually wear knee warmers, bibshorts, and a short sleeve jersey with arm warmers or a long sleeve jersey.  I'll also wear full finger gloves, usually a midweight, that I stick in my jersey pocket if my hands get hot.

The smells this time of year are more prominent to. Riding to work last week, I smelled coffee, pancakes, sausage, biscuits,  and of course, since I ride right past Okie Dokies Smokehouse, I smelled BBQ. ( I'm hoping he will start serving breakfast!!).

Smelling breakfast on an early morning ride is not very motivating.  I have often considered stopping to knock on the door and ask for leftovers.  I have enough trouble eating first thing in the morning, but then after 30 minutes of exercise, I am sure I could eat some bacon and biscuits with gravy.   But alas, when I get to work , I stick a bagel in the toaster and eat that.  Biscuits another day. 

I was enjoying riding in the light.  Not only are the days longer, my work hours are shifted 30 minutes earlier.  I can now get a 3 hr ride after work without lights!!  But,  with Daylight Saving Time, the sun does not rise until 7:40am, so I get to ride in the dark for the first 30 minutes, longer if it is overcast!!   Only for a couple of weeks, but it's still adds to the excitement.  

Have a great day!!

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