Thursday, April 22, 2010


Yesterday's commute was great.  After taking 3 days off the bike, (due to overtraining), I got back on to see how my body was feeling.  The ride in was good.  I just took it easy.  

On the way home, I put in a little more intensity and felt really great!!  I was getting up hills in an efficient way that I have not done all year.  Over the top of the hills, I was recovering quickly and still motoring along at a steady pace.  
As I was cruising down a hill and around a bend, I noticed two women in a driveway.  They were looking at something.  It was  a full sized turkey.  I stopped to take a picture with my phone.  They laughed.  One said" that would look good on the thanksgiving table".  We all laughed!!   The other said to me" You should have been here 30 minutes ago,  the big bear was here!".   

Have a great day!!

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