Monday, August 02, 2010


I rolled out of the house and up the Blue Ridge Parkway. It was 4pm and I was headed out for a long ride.  I was hoping to get at least 3 hours in, more if possible.  It is difficult to stay motivated to ride all day, instead of heading out first thing in the morning.  But, I if I wanna ride, this is my time slot.  After doing Yoga earlier and chasing the kid around the park later, I was also not sure that I would be up for a long ride.  

As it turns out it was fine.  My body felt good and I was able to leave the sluggishness behind,  trading it for a refreshing fall like ride in the middle of the summer. 

I met with Nolan and Chris at the gates of the Arboretum, and we headed up Hardtimes rd to South Ridge Rd.   We took an easy pace until the first downhill, where I glared at Nolan, scared him and took off,  leaving both of them in my dust.....

Up, over and around the contours of the road that I have ridden countless times in the past 4 yrs.  Thankful to have some gravel to grind when BC gets muddy.   We took a left on Bent Creek Gap Rd and headed up.  As we climbed it got cooler and the clouds turned to a fine mist, enshrouding the mountain tops. At Bent Creek Gap, Nolan turned around and Chris and I headed down the other side.  After a brief comical discussion, we decided to ride down the road and back up Trace Ridge, to Spencer and back to the road. 

I love that trail and the challenge that riding up it presents.  It is so impossibly steep and loose.  The steep sections rise up like giant waves of rock, ready to send you sliding backwards if you lose your momentum.  We struggled on up to the top then cruised down Spencer Gap.  The ride took a  little longer than we had anticipated and I was calculating two things in my head: Could I get to the Arboretum before they closed so I could refill my water? And could I make it home before dark?

Chris was parked at Mills River and it would have taken 10 minutes to get to his car and a ride home.  I couldn't do that though.  I had roughly 1.5 hrs of light left, and I felt that I could make it.  Chris escorted me up to the Gap and we then parted ways.  I headed down the gravel road and through Bent Creek.  I kept a steady pace and was able to get to the Arboretum with 10 minutes to spare. 

I called Rhonda and told her I would be home in 45 minutes.  As the darkness started closing in, I crested the last climb and coasted down to the shortcut.  I rolled through the neighborhood feeling really good and like I could keep going.
4 hrs 30 minutes and 50 miles. 

Have a great day.

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