Wednesday, August 04, 2010

The Truth.....

....shall set you free.

Warning: religious rant will follow.

So, coming from a Christian home and being raised to go to church Sundays and tithe 10% of my income, to give to the church, has been quite an interesting journey for me. 

I have been struggling for a while with the concept of a pastor getting paid to preach.  It appears that theologians have taken something that is supposed to be free, and supposed to free and put a price on it.  I have never understood that.  And then when I attend a church, am compelled to give 10% because that is what I have been taught, then have to get a second job to pay the bills while the pastor lays out by his swimming pool and drives a fancy pickup truck.

It seems like if a pastor really wanted to reach people, he/she would get a job in the real world, and be in the midst of the people he/she was trying to reach, thereby earning a paycheck, and not burdening the congregation with financial needs.   Just think what their $40,000 per year salary could do in the community. 

From what I understand though, getting paid to preach is the same as getting paid for services rendered. 

From that struggle and discussions with a friend who is an actual pastor, came a comment on tithing ( giving 10% of your income to the church).  He mentioned that tithing is not in the New Testament.  I was interested and did some research and found that he is correct. 

Surprisingly enough, pastors use this Old Testament command to remind people to give to the church (so they can get paid), and they use it often. 

But, if I am going to call myself a Christian (which I don't really go around calling myself my descriptive names) but if I were, I am no longer required to give any percentage of my income.  I am not required to attend church (social club) every Sunday, and I am no longer required to live by Old Testament standards.


There are still guidelines, intended to keep me healthy, and to keep society rolling along in a healthy manner, but the piddly rules that are listed in the OT, are no longer in effect (there are a lot of wise recommendations that should not be disregarded.  I can drink wine (in moderation), eat pork (in moderation), give all of my money/ time or some of my money/time (in moderation).  As long as I am loving my neighbor( everybody in the world),  and taking care of my family's needs.  

It really is pretty simple if you take out all of the rules and stipulations. 

Just some stuff to chew on.

Have a great day!

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