Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I tend to get in a coffee rut.  I find something I like, has good flavor, as local as I can find and I stick with it.  Not only to support local, but also because there are some bad coffees out there, and I don't like to waste my money, much less waste my morning coffee time.  My disclaimer is that I don't know the lingo, the dynamics, the particulars to what constitutes a good cup of coffee,  I just know if it tastes good it makes me happy, and if it tastes bad, it makes me sad.

I found Dynamite Roasting 6 yrs ago when I was working out near Black Mountain.  I tried it and I really liked it.  They have several different roasts, and while I prefer a good solid dark roast, I tried their lighter roasts as well, and enjoyed every single one. 

Up to that point, I had been drinking Kinetic Koffee: "Organic Coffee Roaster", based in Arcata, California.  Excellent coffee, and Mark, the owner is a cyclist and super nice guy,  even helping me out in pursuing my own cycling goals.  It was hard to stop ordering from him,  but with Dynamite Roasting a short bike ride away,  I had to make the switch. 
I have known Marshall Hance, for a long time.  I moved here 9 years ago,  and I cannot remember where I first met him.  I do remember him working on my bike at Youngblood Bicycles, but we seemed to meet at random times,  on the trails or at races.  And then one day,  he opened Mountain Air Roasting: " The Best Cup of Coffee You Have Ever Had Every Morning".

I stopped by Greenlife one day and noticed that they had his  coffee brewed.  I purchased a cup to go and left.  I started sipping on in it with high hopes but those hopes were dashed.   The coffee was not very hot and I realized that I must have gotten the very bottom of the pot, and that the post at that point was not very fresh.    I wrote the coffee off until recently when I decided to purchase some beans, grind them fresh and brew it myself at home.  I was pleasantly surprised with a great cup of coffee.  And super excited to have another local brand to choose from. 

I recommend all three of the above coffees.  I can't really pick one over the other,  they are all different but great roasts!  

Enjoy your coffee!

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