Sunday, November 13, 2011


Saturday, I got out for a ride with Liberty Bike's Kevin Hessler.  He showed me a route that was new to me and if I had to replicate it, I would not be able to.  After riding pavement, we ended up riding a couple of gravel roads, before heading up Beaucatcher Mtn.  
Some leaves are still hanging on.
 One of the coolest things about this ride is that Kevin was hit by a pick up truck several weeks ago.  It was painful to watch him recover and I'm really glad that he is able to ride again. 


We ended the ride by winding through the Kenilworth neighborhood, and then parting ways.  It was a great ride at a leisurely pace, and since I am lacking motivation, it was perfect. 

After getting home I loaded up the mountain bikes and took the kid for a spin at the new Richmond Hill trails.  If you have not been, go.  The place is pretty cool. 

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