Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Night Ride

I headed out after the wife got home from work.  A giant rain storm was building to the west, so I figured I would ride west.  100ft from my house, I realized the bottom bracket on my Siren JH was shot, so I went back and picked up the single speed cx bike.

I reached the parkway and it started raining.  I figured if I road far enough, I would punch through the other side of the storm.  That's exactly what happened and I got to see the views from the Haw Creek Overlook.  Pedaling on up the hill, I decided to turn around at the top.  I had originally planned to ride to the next overlook past Craven Gap,  but didn't. 

Turning to bomb back down, I turned my lights on.  The darkness closed in fairly quickly and I soaked in the night sounds.  Bugs chirping loudly, the wind blowing past,  the smell of fresh rain on the grass.  This was fun and I need to alter my rut and get out more at night.  Even if it is a quick loop around my neighborhood,  there is something exciting about gliding through the darkness.

Getting to my turn and ducking through the woods, I was content.  1 hr of hard climbs make my legs tired but happy. 

I wonder where I can get a blue bottom bracket....

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