Tuesday, May 27, 2014


 Man, I need to find the remote, so I can hit the pause button.  Life feels like intervals right now and I'm finding it hard to catch my breathe and recover.  I'm doing things I love, I can't really complain, but good grief,  can we add a day to the week?  A month to the year?  Yowza.
 May is my month of Mayhem.  Ever single weekend is booked with events of one sort or another,  all requiring multiple 12 plus hour days, and only half of them spent in the saddle.  I spent the past weekend at The Mountain Sports Festival, selling used bikes and gear to raise funds for Trips For Kids WNC.  It was a huge success and I'm worn out.  We went to a friend's church picnic yesterday.  I am normally pretty social but I had no energy to talk about life with anyone....  all my words are used up for the rest of the week for sure!   

 I even tried to take a spin out at Bent Creek and there were people all over.  Wah, freakin' wah,  huh?

Well,  off to get the trailer unloaded and get The Bicycle Thrift Shop up and running again!

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