Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Meet The Teacher

This is it.  Meet the teacher at Middle School.  Another step in my life as a father.  Another step towards adulthood for this kid.  I'm honored that I can be here to support him.   I'm scared that I'm gonna screw up.  I know I will, I'm human.  But as time goes by and the more time we spend together, the more I realize that if I treat him with with respect, he will do the same. 

I tend to worry sometimes that as he gets older, he will leave and won't come back.  I realize that leaving is part of life.  I also realize that the more bonding time I have with him now, the more things we can do to form a common bond, the more likely our relationship will continue into adulthood.  I don't take for granted that since he is my blood, he will always want to spend time with me.  

He is my shadow and wants to be like me.  I have to remember to treat him like I want to be treated,  every second of every day. And not just treat him right, but everyone around me,  be the person who I want him to be. 

I hope I get it right.

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