Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Stage Race Looms

The Pisgah Stage Race is right around the corner and I'm hoping I'm going to find some confidence in my fitness there too.  

On my training ride today, I got off and walked a couple of climbs that I would normally have ridden.  I started thinking about my gear choice and realized that I am riding a stiffer gear than I was last year at this time.  That explains why I am so worked after each ride.  Combined with a couple of long races and inconsistent training......  and you get out what you put in, right? 

I don't regret the time spent with my family though.  It would be nice, just once to block of 6 months and do nothing but train,  I'd be interested to know what I could do.   I would probably not like it too much,  maybe a 2-3 month block? 

I like variety. 

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