Thursday, October 18, 2012


I headed over to Bent Creek for a spin.  The trees are in full fall colors, each different species changing a little bit every day.  Some trees losing most of their leaves while others are still green, yet to fade.   There are some fresh leaves on the ground that whip away as we ride by. 

I happened upon Ian in the parking lot and he asked if he could tag along.  I hoped he would wait up for me......he did.  Sometimes I go into the woods to be alone, to think, to ride, to enjoy.  Sometimes I meet up with people, and wish I was alone.  Today was not one of those days.  I had  a blast, chatting with a guy that I have know for a long time,  talking about life and how things have panned out for me.  Even venturing to offer a bit of advice.  

At some point during the ride it dawned on me that, even though we cross paths a lot,  the last time we rode bikes together was about 5 yrs ago.  He and his friend that evening were hammering and I had trouble keeping up.  Fun times. 

It had been chilly, to the point of me shivering in the parking lot when we left.  As we rolled back in, minus arm warmers and vest,  the temps had warmed and the sun was shining bright.  Another day another ride.

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