Tuesday, December 22, 2009


On my way home from Roanoke I got a call from a good friend who is also a physician. When he told me he had read my blog post and that he was going to "be a bit presumptuous", I was a little concerned about where the conversation was going to go. There was no need for concern though, because he is a good friend and had some great advice. Thanks for that call!!

As I was sitting, stranded on the interstate turned parking lot, I had lots of time to mull things over. I thought about my life, about this blog, about friends and bike races, about family.

As I finally laid in bed at 5am, I realized that there is not much more that I can do about my hospital bill, than I could have done about being stranded.

The message here is to wait. I can't fix things, or find a solution that will make problems suddenly dissolve, I need to wait, simply wait.

It's difficult to explain, because I am in the middle of it right now, but as things pan out I'll update so you can celebrate with me.

Have a great day!!

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