Wednesday, December 09, 2009


"Do not judge...."

Great advice, but one of the most difficult things for a person to do. Totally possible, but difficult.

I have judgmental tendencies. I tend to look at a person and scorn them for the position that they are in. And look down on them because they made decisions that they could have made differently, and if they had made those better decisions, then they wouldn't be in such a predicament. As if I know all the right answers and I was in their shoes at the moment of their decision, and I would have made the right decision. As if I could have done things better, and by saying " that's really not the way you should have done things", or " you should do this" ....blah, blah, blah. As if I am that much better than my fellow human, that I can be so haughty, so prideful, such a jerk.

Don't judge.
It's not my job to tell you that what you are doing is not to my liking, to tell you that you should be doing things this way. It's not my job to make sure you make all the right decisions. It' s not my job..... not my job.

As I said, I have judgmental tendencies. So, what to do? Retrain the brain. When I catch myself being judgmental, I stop myself and start over. I have not right to judge others. Why? Then I take a look at myself....... I see fault after fault. Sure, there is a lot of good stuff too, but that's not my focus right now.

I believe that when we judge others, we are placing ourselves in a position above that person.

#1 who gave me the right to place myself in a position above others?
#2 who gave me the right to place myself in a position above others?

It smacks of pride. A big pile of rotten, smelly, disastrous pile of pride. And it's not right.

My desire is to serve my fellow humans. To work together with them to make this world a better place. To live together in harmony. But that cannot be done if we are constantly judging each other, and using other people's faults to make ourselves feel better. It's wrong, don't do it.

Have a great day!!

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